Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to connect Vonage to Smart Bro

We are now in the technology age and we wonder how amazing it is to talk on the computer and send everything in matter of seconds [with few delays at times] to the person on the other end who is halfway around the globe. But it's real it's happening and we must not be left behind.

Philippines do have very few high speed internet service provider and we must know how to make the most out of our connections as we do not have much of an option Smart Bro gives wireless connection and though Voips or Voice Over Internet protocols such as Vonage claims that they are not reaaly compatible with wireless we should not be distracted by all these and instead give it a try. I Know some frieds who have Bayantel and Vonage and it works ok except when Bayantel gets "hiccups" which kicks user out of the internet but simple reboot does it.

Now, with Smart Bro some finds it impossible after an hour or two of trying to install it but believe me it's easy.

1>> First make sure that you have internet connection when PC is connected directly to your Smart Bro modem then, turn all devices off. Connect the ethernet cable from the "little Smart bro thing" to the WAN / Internet / or Blue if it's color coded of your Vonage Device.

2>> Connect your computer to the LAN/ Ethernet or Yellow port of your Vonage. set the boxes, manuals aside and be ready to turn everything on [ make sure you do it one after the other]

3>> Power on your Smart Bro device wait for a minute or two, then power on your Vonage oh no not yet, it will not have access yet we'll have to work on the computer.

4>> Power up the computer that is connected to the Vonage and whenever it is ready launch a web browser then on the address bar type so we can access your voange router page. Try logging in with the following login pairs:

i. if you have a Motorola Adapter from Vonage >>>username: router ; password router

ii. if you have a Linksys Adapter from Vonage >>>> username : admin ; password admin

iii. if your have a Dlink Adapter from Vonage >>>>username : user ; password user

iv.and if you a have a Vtech phone from Vonage>>>> username : vtech and password vtech .

5>> As soon as you are logged check make sure that your Vonage is set to DHCP for internet connection Type then go to MAC cloning, MAC spoofing part and copy the physical address of your computer onto you router.

6>> To get you PC's Physical address go to the command prompt then type ipconfig/all on thet black screen, read through it and take note of the physical address:)

7>>> After you have saved the physicall adress of your PC your vonage should reboot and in less thna aminute everything should be up as should be you may now start calling all your friends and relatives in the US just take not of our time difference eh:)

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